A little into the novel however and a lot of things begin to sound clichĂ©. Atta’s characters sometimes sound like she’s using them to teach the reader about the customs, traditions, patterns and life styles of everyday people. There are a lot of tribal stereotypes and superstitious beliefs that Nigerians will find very familiar. It’s as though Atta is trying to mirror the Nigerian society. One moment it seems like you’re reading about everyday Nigerian people and the way they react to certain things, the next moment Swallow seems to be bursting with hackneyed terms and situations. There’s the clever business man whose limit is the sky if only he can lay his hand on a financial loan; the lowly masses irritated by the widespread corruption they see everyday and don't speak out for fear of being manhandled. Swallow is engaging but until I read Everything Good Will Come, Atta's first, I can't draw any comparisons.
People reading Atta’s work for the first time might have to flip through a couple of pages to discover Atta’s gift, evident in Tolani’s humourous narration of events and Atta’s unpredictability and descriptive power. From the book title you’d think swallowing drugs or being a drug mule is the main plot, but it’s just an episode in the book, another on Tolani’s list of troubles. Swallow’s unpredicatable plot line and unpredictable ending doesn’t make Swallow stirring or confusing, it makes it somewhat unsatisfying.
READ Everything Good Will Come by Sefi Atta - My Thoughts
[Image via CafeAfricana]
ReplyDelete@ Latifa
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you found my review interesting. Thanks for commenting.
I have this book sitting by my bedside but haven't had a minute to read it. Been swarmped with school work! But if it's anything like Everything Good Will Come I'm sure it's worth a read. Your review made me anxious to read it!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I must say I enjoy your literary reviews. Your blog is different and I like that!
@ NigerianDramaQueen
ReplyDeleteThanks! You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you.